Chronic or elevated stress not only burns us out, but it can kill.
Here are 5 proven ways you can better handle the stress in your life.
- BREATHE, STOP, (and SHAKE ): According to Harvard Medical School, just a few, easy deep breaths, from your abdomen will reset your system and shift you towards relaxation.
- GET CURIOUS : Your brain does not work well when under stress; however curiosity hacks the stress response, shifting your thoughts from rumination and worry into creative reflection.
- HUG IT OUT: Hugging a loved one releases the hormone, oxytocin which can induce anti-stress-like effects such as reduction of blood pressure, repair of muscles, brain tissue and neurons.
- GET INTO YOUR BODY: By getting to know your own body’s sensations, you will be able to anticipate changes in your emotional state which will allow you to better handle moments of stress.
- FEEL THE LOVE. Studies support that feelings of love and connection reduce stress hormones.
Small amounts of stress are a part of life; however we don’t have to let it dominate our lives or steal our health. By finding positive, healthy ways to manage your stress and recover from it, you can avoid the negative health risks associated with stress!
One of these positive ways is chiropractic care which has been found to neutralize stress and normalize brain function! Get regular chiropractic checkups for the whole family, and make sure your brain and your body are working the best they can. You and your families health and life will be better because of it!
Stay tuned for more, we will have weekly “Brain Based Wellness News” posts for you to develop the best life and health you possibly can!